[Budgeting – 2] The 50-30-20 Rule

# The Simple Guide to Allocating Your Income: The 50-30-20 Rule   # Initialization An important skill that can provide you peace of mind and enable you to reach your financial objectives is managing your personal finances. The 50-30-20 rule is a well-liked strategy of budgeting that enables you to distribute your money in a … Read more

벤티보다 50% 더? 스타벅스 트렌타 사이즈 드디어 한국 출시!!! 용량 한국출시일 텀블러 주문가능메뉴 가격

이제 한국 스타벅스에서도 매머드커피나 메가커피에서나 가능한 대용량 사이즈!! 약 1L에 해당하는 용량으로 음료를 주문할 수 있다고 하는데요. 스타벅스코리아 1호점 오픈 24주년 기념으로 한정 출시하는 트렌타 사이즈! 오늘은 스타벅스 벤티 사이즈를 넘어서는 트렌타 사이즈 용량, 한국출시일, 텀블러, 주문가능메뉴, 가격에 대해서 한 번 알아보도록 하겠습니다! 스타벅스 트렌타 사이즈 용량 스타벅스 트렌타 사이즈는 기존 벤티(591ml)보다 296ml 더 많은! … Read more

[Investing – 3] Investment Options: The Pros and Cons of Different Choices

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Various Investment Options Our financial future can be significantly impacted by investing, which is an important aspect of personal finance. Choosing the investment options that are the best fit for our unique goals and risk tolerance can be overwhelming with so many investment possibilities available. To assist you in navigating … Read more

[Investing – 2] 10 Smart Investment Strategies for Long-Term Wealth

10 Smart Investment Strategies to Build Wealth Over Time An effective strategies for increasing money and securing your financial future is investing. Whether you’re just starting out or have years of experience, having a strategic approach is crucial to ensure consistent returns on your investments. This post will look at ten wise investment tactics that … Read more

[Achieving Financial Independence – 3] Early Retirement Strategies That Even Jesus Surprises!!

Early Retirement Strategies That Even Jesus Surprises!!   # Initialization For many people, becoming financially independent is a dream. It stands for the freedom to live life on your terms, free from financial constraints. Early retirement is one approach to reach this elusive objective. You can create a future of financial freedom by taking charge … Read more

[Achieving Financial Independence – 2] “Creating Multiple Streams of Passive Income for Financial Freedom” – Financial Independence

Diversifying Your Passive Income Streams for Financial Independence   1. Initialization Financial independence is a goal that many people pursue in today’s hectic and uncertain environment. It gives you a feeling of stability, adaptability, and the freedom to live your life whatever you choose. Developing various streams of passive income is a key strategy for … Read more

[Achieving Financial Independence – 1] “Reaching Financial Independence Through Minimalism and Financial Discipline” – Financial Independence

Minimalism and Financial Discipline: A Path to Financial Independence   1. Initialization Welcome to a new topic about how to become financially independent! Finding solutions to achieve financial freedom and lessen debt is becoming more and more crucial in today’s fast-paced society. A strategy that has gained popularity in recent years is simplicity combined with … Read more

AWS Lambda와 Serverless Architecture

안녕하세요. hyekihong입니다. 이전시간에는 Amazon SQS에 대해 알아보았는데요. 이번시간에는 AWS Lambda에 대해 알아보겠습니다. AWS Lambda는 클라우드 컴퓨팅의 혁신적인 개념인 서버리스 컴퓨팅을 실현하는 핵심 서비스입니다. 이를 통해 개발자들은 서버 관리에 대한 부담을 덜고 애플리케이션 코드에 집중할 수 있습니다. 오늘 우리는 AWS Lambda의 개념, 작동 원리, 개발과 배포, 애플리케이션 아키텍처 구성, 모니터링과 로깅, 그리고 실제 사례에 대해 알아보겠습니다. … Read more